
Everything You Do Is Right!

Travel Goals Newsletter

A friend just reminded me through his post that March 16th is Everything You Do Is Right Day! I’m going to extend that to the rest of the week since I didn’t manage to hit send on this bad boy until Friday! It’s all right!

But how perfect is this sentiment for travel?!?

Whether you can get away for just a weekend, squeeze in an extra day on a business trip, or it’s a staycation at your local hotel that is the right way to travel for you.

Want to take a cruise and have every indulgence at your fingertips, or trek the Appalachian Trail with a good pair of hiking boots? That is the right way to travel.

Rather you have a timeshare that you keep going back to again and again, or you never return to a single destination because there’s just so much more to see…

Travel is so personal. Whatever drives you to do it is a good thing that’s going to expand your world just that much more.

And when something goes sideways on a trip – there is no wrong, only learning (anyone else getting serious Yoda flashes right now?). Reframe your mistakes or problems in this way and a whole new reality opens up.

No matter what travel has been like for you over the last few years, you can take those small steps now to get back out there. No adventure is too small!

Or are you ready for the big leap across the pond?

Where to Go

As travel restrictions drop like a hot rock, here are the most up-to-date European Travel Requirements. (hint: I think you’ll be pleased). And remember things are changing so rapidly now – for the better – that you’ll want to be sure to double-check as your trip gets closer (i.e., France just dropped its Health Pass requirement so recently that tidbit didn’t make it into the piece linked above).

EXO Travel wrote a very informative piece on the reopening of Asia. Check the links for more details about a specific country including pre-arrival, during your stay, and exit requirements.

But hey Cinderella! If you are based in the U.S., don’t forget the carriage turns back to a pumpkin at midnight. Here’s what the Points Guy has to say about testing requirements to return to the states.

Make it Magical

We recently returned from a quick trip to New Orleans. Since I knew I would be busy most days I didn’t do the same level of research that I usually do before a trip.

Choosing where we wanted to eat at the spur of the moment one morning we realized that a fantastic restaurant, Ruby Slipper, was close by and decided to walk.

We ended up walking through the Garden District and enjoying the beauty of historical homes, many of the iron gates draped in pink, green, and yellow beads still hanging from Mardi Gras.

While we waited for our table to open up we walked the neighborhood and read the historical plaques posted in front of houses. It was an amazing experience.

I was reminded how much you can learn about a city by just walking. Take the time to walk the streets, and discover the neighborhoods to peel back one small layer of a community at a time.

Until next time travelers!


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