
Mindful Travel


In the appendix of her book Beyond Guilt Trips, Dr. Anu Taranath asks a series of thoughtful questions. While meant for educators, program directors and coordinators, I couldn’t help but shift them to my role as a mother. After all if a mom isn’t a program director, coordinator and educator then I don’t know what she is. As we bring our children on trips both domestic and international these are questions she prompted me to think about. (You can see the original questions in the appendix of her book.)

How do my various identities (white woman, mom, member of a culturally blended family) – and my egotistical desire to be seen as a good person – figure into this trip?

How can I contribute to authentic and thoughtful travel experiences for my children abroad while also acknowledging the privilege we have via our US passports, economic realities and resources?

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In our family attempts to travel mindfully, how do we pay attention to the moments that highlight difference? Can we slow down the travel experience to help our kiddos recognize and respect difference even if it feels uncomfortable?


Dr. Taranath honors the fact that a concept “like ‘sitting with discomfort’…isn’t really a skill we are taught, though it is critical to how we move through the world…” No travel shaming here. Sometimes it is easier to avoid visits to places that make us uncomfortable. It is hard to do and a part of the very reason we travel in the first place.

I don’t have the answers. Warned you about that in the first post. But I’m encouraged when she writes “the process itself of questioning and reflecting encourages us to hold and navigate the and parts of our lives. We are all part of the problem and solution.”

To explore more of the conversations inspired by this book check out the page What I’m Holding Space for Now.


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